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General Information Minecraft Ingame name: FCBxxMezzixxAFA Age:11 Timezone (please use GMT if u live outside North America): Central Standerd Time Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on Minetown Prison (Average): 30 hrs weekdays and 12 hrs weekends and my time will drop at least maybe a little cause of school starting back up. How long have you been in Minetown and Prison: About A month and a half. Have you been banned before? Why?: No I have never been banned before. Other Information Explain the concept of Minecraft Prison Server: The prisoner is trying to work their way up with money, ranks, and different blocks to become a freeman/woman once again. How are your PVP (player verses player) Skills?: My PvP skills are good if i rated my-self I would maybe be a 7/10. Have you spoke much Minetown teamspeak?:No because theres no need to use it. Do you have Skype?:No but i'm planning on getting one soon. Do you have previous or current experience with Minecraft Administration or prison Administration? No but I do know how to take charge. Why do you think essential for guards to control their emotions?: Because if a player is making fun of the guard he should not talk back to the player he should just ignore him/her. What makes you stand out above other users applying?: I stand out because I can be calm in a situation when a other player is offending me. What do you think you need approve on? List your weaknesses here: I need to Improve on seperating my clan members and friends from my job. Prison staff contribute a lot of their time and effort into working as a team. Why do you think that team work is essential for staff in an environment like MT Prison?: I think teamwork though out staff is good because sometimes it can be 2v1 then another guard should step in so it will be 2v2. Why do you think you will make a good Officer/Sergeant on the Prison?Explain: I would make a good Officer/Sergeant because i would set a Great example off duty or on duty. Questionnaire 1) If a group of players were actively PVPing and you were the only guard online,what steps would you take? I would check if 1 was PvPing. Then once I have cleared that up I would kill them or jail one of them. 2) You see a death message appear in chat of players killing other players,what do you do? I would find them and see if they keep pvping and if they do I will try to kill them, and if they safezone I will jail them for 5 min. 3)A player is running around intoxicated on drugs, what do you do? I would first try to kill him/her and if i cant I will jail him/her. 4)How often should you patrol the pvp areas? I would check up on it when there is another guard online but if im the only guard online I will stay there most of my time. 5)When can you ask a player to be searched so contrabands are removed? If you see a death message of that player you should search them to see if they used contraband to kill him/her. 6)What do you think is the most important rule to know about staff having kits? You should not use them to your advantage like selling them to get money or give them away to your friends. 7)If you kill players and they drop items,can you keep or give away the items? Its up to you its your choice unless its contraband. 8)Can staff be involved with bounties?What do you know about staff and bounties? Staff can place and accept bounties but they cant go out of their way to obtain a bounty. 9)What can you do if a player getting in your way when you are getting contraband from other players? You can kill the player who is taking the contraband. 10)What would you do if you saw a player selling drugs (sugar and cactus green) in chat? If I saw that I would mute them for 5min. Additional Information you would like to tell us?:Becareful and Dont Drop The Soap! Thank you for reading my application and I hope you pick me!!!!!!
over 11 years ago